Page name: it's not stalking, it's investigating [Logged in view] [RSS]
2012-06-23 03:54:45
Last author: HeAVenShallBuRN
Owner: HeAVenShallBuRN
# of watchers: 17
D20: 4
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Yes, my dear children, everything in this room is eatable,
In fact, even I'm eatable, but that, my dear children, is called cannibalism, and is frowned on in most societies.

"I'm not stalking... by the way, you're out of milk..."

Fan the page... and tell people to join. And if you have something... like amusing pics... or funny quotes or... WHATEVER... add it on here... or whatever... cuz... "All you need is love..." yep, that's why!
Okay, no... we're not stalking you. I promise.
Or are we?
No, we're not.

Wanna be my friend?
0.1) [lex!!~land] ... because you're amazingly awesome and I think you deserve to be before Number 1. XD
1) [HeAVenShallBuRN]
2)[Lucifer's Fire] cause i love my Little Rei of Sunshine! XD!
3)[ℭℎℯℓℓℯ ☠] I'm here cause my Reiness told me about it and I love hims, and wanted to meet new people. :3
4)[hinata hyuuga (kimiko)] ... I JOINED HER! :D <3
5)[~*~American Honey~*~] I'm on here cause Rei asked me to join : - ) keke ~^.^~
6)[Faeangel] ... I joined her too! :O <3

I wants to take a moment to say... TOAST! I want toast. Anyone else want toast?!

Since this is my first wiki...
I shall mention, it's weird. I know.
But, give it time and it will become GREAT! <3

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2010-01-04 [Nezeb]: *Whistles and accept money from customer, giving him an envelope*

*Walks back and looks at you before throwing an identical envelope at your feet*

2010-01-04 [Eternal Sunshine]: *stares* What the... *watches a random chocolate moose walk past*

2010-01-04 [Nezeb]: *Looks at chocolate moose and tackles it, breaking off a leg*

2010-01-04 [Eternal Sunshine]: *steals envelope and runs away*

2010-01-04 [Nezeb]: *Sits and noms chocolate*

2010-01-04 [Eternal Sunshine]: *watches the chocolate noose hobble away on three legs, glaring at Fanny the whole way* wow... so, what's in the envelope?!

Holy crap, we sound like some weird sitcom drama mixed with comedy... O.o

2010-01-04 [Nezeb]: *Cheese Soap Opera music* You see, I sent you that envelope when I was lost at sea. I'm your sister. I'm sorry Rei, but we can not marry *Commercial break*

2010-01-04 [Eternal Sunshine]: .....
I have NOTHING to respond with...
That... left me... speechless...

Not to mention there's a commercial break...
*watches chocolate moose come apart and two men emerge* O.o

2010-01-04 [ℭℎℯℓℓℯ ☠]: O.O

2010-01-04 [Nezeb]: *Announcers voice* "We now return you to "It's Not Stalking, It's Investigating"."

*Is in a coma*

2010-01-04 [Eternal Sunshine]: *sobbing beside Fanny's bedside*

2010-01-04 [Nezeb]: *Doctor comes in* I'm sorry, sir. Her plane crashed in the middle of the Atlantic. Thankfully, she was rescued by a passing vegan shark.

2010-01-04 [Eternal Sunshine]: *tears* She didn't even get a chance to finish nomming her chocolate moose leg!!!

Side note to everyone else...

2010-01-04 [Nezeb]: *Doctor* I'm sorry, sir. We couldn't fine her chocolate moose leg. *Shakes head sadly and looks at charts before random dude bursts into room and looks at the doctor*

*Random dude* You're not a doctor! You're... you're his father! *Points at Rei*

*Commercial break*

2010-01-04 [Eternal Sunshine]: THE DRAMA!!! OMG!
Whoda thunk it?! XD

2010-01-04 [Nezeb]: *Music and announcer again* Yada yada... drama show

*We're all lost in the forest* Oh no! How will we escape? Our yacht sunk!

2010-01-04 [Eternal Sunshine]: I'M SINKING!!! *Is stuck in sinking sand, struggles, sinks faster*

2010-01-04 [Nezeb]: *Cuts to song and dance number*

Something's happening to me today
I feel like sinking again away
Why can't we just be together?
Why can't we just live?
Sinking, slowly into a bog
I knew that would be so rock
I am floating in muck
And I just got a duck
Come down please, come soon
I'm not treading water too soon
My face is going.. flullup
So.. please... flullup... mullup... mlupbulupbulup

2010-01-04 [Eternal Sunshine]: Meanwhile... under the sinking sand...

*is standing in Fraggle Rock*

2010-01-04 [Nezeb]: *Gasps and dives into the sank, sees a bug on the way down, freaks*

2010-01-04 [Eternal Sunshine]: *blinks, looks around, shrieks as a weird purple puppet creature walks past singing* SAAAVEEE MMEEEEE!

2010-01-04 [Nezeb]: *Lands and joins you* FRAGGLE ROCK! *Dances with them*

2010-01-04 [Eternal Sunshine]: *blinks, stares then shrugs and dances with, turning it into a music video*

2010-01-04 [Nezeb]: *Watches Steve Wilkos Show and gasps* He broke his babys leg! TEAR HIM A NEW ASSHOLE, STEVE!!

2010-01-04 [Eternal Sunshine]: I love that show!!!! *cheers* STEEEEEEEEEVVVVEEEEE!! <3

2010-01-04 [Nezeb]: Me too! *Cries at it*

2010-01-04 [Eternal Sunshine]: Some people on there are SO stupid! >.<
I love how Steve deals with them though! <3

2010-01-04 [Nezeb]: *Nods* Yeah.. I love how he puts them in their place.. reminds me of me xD

2010-01-04 [Eternal Sunshine]: *nods* YES! ha! Loser people...

2010-01-04 [Lucifer's Fire]: .< so...many

go to my house an read my mood! Rei will be jealous i'm sure

2010-01-04 [Eternal Sunshine]: oh the getting wasted?

*points at one of my last diaries*
I'm giving up drinking completely.
I don't see the point in it. It's no fun when you act stupid and retarded and people laugh at you for that reason...
alcohol's out of my life forever.

2010-01-04 [Nezeb]: *Runs around naked with a lampshade over head banging on pots and pans*

I don't need alcohol to act like an idiot.

2010-01-04 [Ihsahn]: *ninja films* haha!

2010-01-04 [Nezeb]: Oo... Damn you and your ninjaness.

2010-01-04 [Eternal Sunshine]: PUAHA!

Revenge for taking those... pictures of me yesterday! *sticks tongue out at Fanny then gets lost trying to examine my own tongue*

2010-01-04 [Ihsahn]: As for the drinking, I just can't really quit it.

2010-01-04 [Nezeb]: *Sits nekkid and tries doing sexy poses, fails miserably*

2010-01-04 [Nezeb]: *hugs Ihsahn* It's ok.. I still love my crazy drunk

2010-01-04 [Ihsahn]: That's a good thing to hear. Especially if you come out to Texas. You heard that everything's bigger here right?;)

well... it's a lie.

2010-01-04 [Eternal Sunshine]: *nods* I have nothing against those who drink. I just kinda have to quit. I made a promise to my fiancee that I would. :3

2010-01-04 [Nezeb]: *Giggles* Well... I know his is bigger

2010-01-04 [Ihsahn]: quitting is for quitters.

2010-01-04 [Eternal Sunshine]: And I'm a proud quitter!!

2010-01-04 [Ihsahn]: Bah it starts with drinking then you quit being savage, it's all a cycle of quitting, next thing you know you;'re all ready to go to college.

2010-01-04 [Eternal Sunshine]: i'm already in a college like school. So, that doesn't really apply to me...

2010-01-04 [Nezeb]: xD And getting a good life... no one needs that *Nods*

2010-01-04 [Eternal Sunshine]: *rolls eyes and butts out of the conversation*

2010-01-04 [Ihsahn]: Ya no kidding. we need a third class population!

2010-01-04 [Nezeb]: *Throws a pencil at Rei* Stop being so serious.. *Heads to bathroom to brush teeth and sea salt mouth*

2010-01-04 [Eternal Sunshine]: quitting drinking is serious for me, i'm sorry. i take my health seriously. not to mention, i made it as a promise to Nathan. if i break this promise, it makes the 7th or 8th time i've broken the same damn promise. i'm taking it so seriously because this time, if i break this promise, he's gonna leave me. he's gonna leave and find some other guy to be with...
i'm gonna stay quiet now though.
i don't mind you guys talking... just... don't make fun of me or poke fun at quitting alcohol just because i take it so seriously! i'd rather keep my relationship alive. -.-

2010-01-04 [Ihsahn]: It was serious for me too, cept I seriously can't just up and quit it.

2010-01-04 [Eternal Sunshine]: i have to. not for me... but for my fiancee and for my family. i have a family to care for too... and it's kinda hard to do that when you're piss drunk.

2010-01-04 [Ihsahn]: Better to quit while you still can in that case.

2010-01-04 [Nezeb]: I hate that sea salt dragon spray oral rinse shit... *Shudders*

2010-01-04 [Ihsahn]: that sounds like a medical procedure.

2010-01-04 [Nezeb]: xD I got my tongue pierced and it's the after-care.

2010-01-04 [Ihsahn]: I have my ear pierced about 8 times, that's about it though :/

2010-01-04 [Nezeb]: I have 5 in right ear, 4 in left, tongue and belly button

2010-01-04 [Ihsahn]: 8 in my left ear and that's it.

2010-01-04 [Nezeb]: *Pats on back* It's okay.. one day you too, will be as cool as me

..where did Rei go?

2010-01-04 [Ihsahn]: I got a half sleeve though. planning on getting my other arms with one as well.

2010-01-04 [Nezeb]: Oh neat! My friend who's in the navy has 2 sleeves and I don't know what they're called, but his legs are covered too.

2010-01-04 [Ihsahn]: ah. never joining the Navy.

2010-01-04 [Nezeb]: No? He couldn't take the army.. so he switched over to navy.

2010-01-04 [Ihsahn]: But ya, how about those pokemon.

2010-01-04 [Nezeb]: Gotta catch 'em all *Nods*

2010-01-04 [Ihsahn]: Yes of course *catches*

2010-01-04 [Nezeb]: *Watches TV*

2010-01-04 [Eternal Sunshine]: *in a corner snoring loudly and obnoxiously*

2010-01-04 [Nezeb]: *Tackles Rei*

2010-01-04 [Eternal Sunshine]: *still snoring loudly and obnoxiously*

2010-01-04 [Nezeb]: *Punches in the hair*

2010-01-04 [Eternal Sunshine]: *freaks out, jumps up and glares* NO ONE TOUCHES THE REI HAIR!!! *fixes it and grumbles and pouts*

:3 Okay, I'm good! *happy huggles and squees*

2010-01-04 [Nezeb]: NOOGIE!! *Gives you noogie*

2010-01-04 [Eternal Sunshine]: *glares and puts self in a protective unbreakable glass that's safe from any amount of attacks* GRRR! >.< Not my hair. Nathan usually isn't even allowed to tough my hair...

2010-01-04 [Nezeb]: *Face to glass and gets greasy handprints all over it*

2010-01-04 [Eternal Sunshine]: *stares* No touching the hair... >=[

*dances around inside the glass*

2010-01-04 [Nezeb]: *Noms chicken wings and gets chicken grease all over pretty glass* FANNY TOUCH!!

2010-01-04 [Eternal Sunshine]: NO!!! NO ONE TOUCH!!! *glares then continues dancing happily*

2010-01-04 [Nezeb]: TOUCH!!!! *Cries and pounds on the glass*

2010-01-04 [Eternal Sunshine]: *sighs* Wash your hands and disinfect them and whatnot. I don't like dirty touching my hair... AND I WILL KNOW!!!

2010-01-04 [Nezeb]: *Pees on hands*

2010-01-04 [Eternal Sunshine]: That's not washing and disinfecting... *tosses a sink, a bar of soap, a washcloth and a bottle of disinfectant at you*

2010-01-04 [Nezeb]: *Sits and sucks on disinfectant bottle*

2010-01-04 [Eternal Sunshine]: *puts plastic shower cap on head and emerges from behind the glass* Got lonely behind the glass...

2010-01-04 [Nezeb]: *Is still sucking on disinfectant bottle*

2010-01-04 [Eternal Sunshine]: Taste good? *raised eyebrow*

2010-01-04 [Nezeb]: *Blinks and looks at you, chibi form*

2010-01-04 [Eternal Sunshine]: Cute!! *squees and tackles, huggling*

2010-01-04 [Nezeb]: *Huggles with pee hands*

2010-01-04 [Eternal Sunshine]: EEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! *shrieks and sprays you with febreeze*

2010-01-04 [Nezeb]: *Coughs in the cloud of febreeze*

2010-01-04 [Eternal Sunshine]: *keeps febreezing until he's out of febreeze*

2010-01-04 [Nezeb]: *Giggles at Golden Girls*

2010-01-04 [Eternal Sunshine]: Omg, I love that show! <3

2010-01-04 [Nezeb]: Me too xD

2010-01-04 [Eternal Sunshine]: *collapses* I has a headache. >.<

2010-01-04 [Nezeb]: I has a hunger *Finds chocolate bar*

2010-01-04 [Eternal Sunshine]: I wants a chocolate bar...
Where's that chocolate moose that invaded the place last night?

2010-01-04 [Nezeb]: *Shrugs* I have no idea

2010-01-05 [Lucifer's Fire]: omg...its farkin cold here....

2010-01-05 [Eternal Sunshine]: it's cold here too... and STILL snowing... =\

2010-01-05 [Lucifer's Fire]: you live in CANADA i live in SOUTH LOUISIANA

it supposed to get like 12-14 degrees Fahrenheit here. i cant recall a time its been that cold. we might get snow wednesday.

2010-01-05 [Eternal Sunshine]: It's actually not all that cold out tonight... it's -6 celcius... which is like... 21 farenheit...

2010-01-05 [Lucifer's Fire]: i would die...
well stay inside and bar the doors so the kids cant go out.

2010-01-05 [Nezeb]: I live in Canada too.. and I barely saw snow so far... just rain rain rain...

2010-01-05 [Eternal Sunshine]: Kids are in bed.
Just after 8:30 and they're all asleep! :)
They have school tomorrow! *dances*

And I'm tucked into my nice big huge warm red sweater... >.> Well, not mine... Nathan's... but still... XD

2010-01-05 [Lucifer's Fire]: my kids are getting ready for bath time
and i'm in my back and white duster with jeans and a beanie hat

2010-01-05 [Nezeb]: I'm babysitting my Goddaughter again tomorrow

2010-01-05 [Eternal Sunshine]: Want some of our snow, Fanny?! *scoops some into a baggy and offers it*

2010-01-05 [ℭℎℯℓℓℯ ☠]: Ahh, I always miss too much. D:

2010-01-05 [Lucifer's Fire]: i have to go guies!!! room mate wishes to use the compy


2010-01-05 [Eternal Sunshine]: *yawns and looks around tiredly* Where is everyone? *noms on my fingernail*

2010-01-05 [Strawboy]: wow reis so hungry he is eating his own finger

2010-01-05 [Nezeb]: *Is chasing Amaya around the house*

2010-01-05 [Eternal Sunshine]: *holds finger out and offers* Tastes like chicken, want some?

2010-01-05 [Strawboy]: no thanks.

2010-01-05 [Eternal Sunshine]: You sure? It's good... *noms fingernail again* :3

2010-01-05 [Strawboy]: no im fine *chewing gum, blows a bubble*

2010-01-05 [Eternal Sunshine]: *offers to Fanny* How is Amaya today? And how is Fanny??

And how is Corey? *snickers*

2010-01-05 [Strawboy]: bored onbce again, everyones off so I got no one to vs online

2010-01-05 [Eternal Sunshine]: Awwww, I sorries.
Yea, there's no one online cept you and Fanny...

*dramatically collapses to knees* I'M BOREED!!! *rips hair out*

2010-01-05 [Strawboy]: thats gotta hurt

2010-01-05 [Eternal Sunshine]: What's gotta hurt? *holding bunches of someone else's hair in his hands*

2010-01-05 [Strawboy]: uh whos hair did you just rip out??? o.O

2010-01-05 [Tears of the Angel]: did i miss something here? O.o

2010-01-05 [Eternal Sunshine]: *shrugs* Not mine, someone else's... *shifty eyes and waits for the next person to comment*

2010-01-05 [Strawboy]: ....i think thats classified as assault

2010-01-05 [Nezeb]: *Puts a banana sticker on Reis face*

2010-01-05 [Eternal Sunshine]: *gets distracted by trying to pull the bananananana sticker off*

2010-01-05 [The Angel's Song]: uh huh... wow... remind me why I'm staying here again?

2010-01-05 [Strawboy]: cause if you dont we hunt you down and beat you with bent baseball bats......sorry to much Paranoia agent >.>

2010-01-05 [The Angel's Song]: Wow, that makes me feel safe... >.>

2010-01-05 [Eternal Sunshine]: Geez, a little mean there Corey? *talking from under the banananana sticker*

2010-01-05 [Nezeb]: I'll kill you if you leave. I can do it. Trust me. *Cracks knuckles*

2010-01-05 [Tears of the Angel]: I don't know Blake...I really don't know..

2010-01-05 [Strawboy]: I highly doubt that.

Sorry, i said to much Paranoia Agent lol ^^ i love that series

2010-01-05 [The Angel's Song]: I didn't mean the wiki. I'll stay here. I meant in the same house as Rei... he's starting to scare me...

2010-01-05 [Nezeb]: Rei is scary, that's a fact. Where else do you have to go? Think about that.

2010-01-05 [Eternal Sunshine]: EXACTAMUNDO!
You have nowhere else, Blake.
No other friends but ME! Ha! *sticks tongue out* You're stuck with me. :3

I mean that in the nicest possible way...

2010-01-05 [The Angel's Song]: yea, I know.

2010-01-05 [Tears of the Angel]: Blake...I lived with him for 5 years now...believe's not the worst he's done.

oh and ... Rei...I got Owen to think about getting on here

2010-01-05 [Eternal Sunshine]: *head/desk* You realize how much teasing I'm going to go through now?!

*hides behind everyone else* Save me...

2010-01-05 [Strawboy]: I will but itll cost you :) a merc needs cash

2010-01-05 [Nezeb]: Who the fuck is Owen? I think Imma make Joey get on here when he gets back to his dorm... then you guys can see the sweet side of me >.>

2010-01-05 [Eternal Sunshine]: *shifty eyes* I has no cash... RATIONS?! *offers the banananana sticker from earlier and the chocolate moose from two nights ago*

2010-01-05 [Strawboy]: hell no cash or no dice

2010-01-05 [Tears of the Angel]: by the way... Owen's my brother...older brother married with [G'Bye]

2010-01-05 [The Angel's Song]: Chocolate moose?

2010-01-05 [Nezeb]: Ahh, that guy... *Shakes head* Never heard of him.

2010-01-05 [Eternal Sunshine]: *chibi form, tears and sits on the floor* But... But... HE'S GONNA TEASE ME!!!

2010-01-05 [Tears of the Angel]: hun i'll make sure he doesn't...

2010-01-05 [Eternal Sunshine]: uh huh, that's what you always say... Then I get teased...

*runs to Fanny and looks at her with chibi eyes* Saves your Weiface?! XD

2010-01-05 [Tears of the Angel]: *sighs*...

2010-01-05 [Nezeb]: *Sees a spider above Reis head and screams*

2010-01-05 [Eternal Sunshine]: *looks up, sees spider, shrieks and uses Fanny as a shield* NUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!! :'''(

2010-01-05 [Tears of the Angel]: I'm not asking... -_-'

2010-01-05 [Eternal Sunshine]: *points at picture on my description*

2010-01-05 [Strawboy]: *stands next to nate* so im not the only one who finds this entire seen very odd.

2010-01-05 [Tears of the Angel]: yeah...>.> <.<...
it creeps me out a little...

2010-01-05 [Strawboy]: well im already pretty screwed up so it isnt creepy to me

2010-01-05 [Tears of the Angel]: yeah...thing is...I live with him...I sleep in the same room and same bed as him

2010-01-05 [Nezeb]: *Screams*

Lawl.. Amaya needed me to fix her foam hammer for her before she took off to beat her grandmother with it xD

2010-01-05 [Eternal Sunshine]: *evil grin at Nathan* YES! You do! Muahaha! Who knows how many spiders I drop down your throat every night, huh?

2010-01-05 [Strawboy]: .....yeah i cant top that

2010-01-05 [Tears of the Angel]: okay...Rei ... that's disgusting

2010-01-05 [Nezeb]: Well... on average, 4 bugs a year crawl into your mouth when you're sleeping

2010-01-05 [Tears of the Angel]: yeah I sister has already informed me that little fact >.<

2010-01-05 [Eternal Sunshine]: *nods* Yea... So... wait... EWWWWWW!!! *shrieks and makes a plan to tape mouth shut before sleeping*

2010-01-05 [Tears of the Angel]: *chuckles*

2010-01-05 [Eternal Sunshine]: SAAAVVEEE MEE!!!

2010-01-05 [Lucifer's Fire]: im sorry...-/

2010-01-05 [Eternal Sunshine]: ??

2010-01-05 [Lucifer's Fire]: i cant halp joozzz!!!!!! i bez on opposite end of countriezzzzz!!!!!!!

sorry...spazz moment...XD

2010-01-05 [Eternal Sunshine]: Oh right...
sorta wasn't all here... XD

2010-01-05 [Lucifer's Fire]: haha. tis okay. neither am i!

2010-01-05 [Lucifer's Fire]: wait....your not all in canada????? wheres the rest of you?!

2010-01-05 [Eternal Sunshine]: no, some of me drowned in the atlantic.

2010-01-05 [Lucifer's Fire]: NO! *dives into atlantic*

2010-01-05 [Eternal Sunshine]: *hauls you out* no diving in... let it go... it's gone already... *gets all dramatic*

2010-01-05 [Lucifer's Fire]: *looks at you with a fish hanging out my mouth*

2010-01-05 [Eternal Sunshine]: *takes fish out, tosses it onto a barbeque*

2010-01-05 [Lucifer's Fire]: i dont wanna let it goo!!!! *cries like a toddler*

2010-01-05 [Eternal Sunshine]: *gives fish back* happy? XD

2010-01-05 [Lucifer's Fire]: i dun wanna let the Rei go....*sniffles and scarmbles back to the atlantic*

2010-01-05 [Eternal Sunshine]: But, the Rei is right here...
Only the Rei brain is in the atlantic... nuffin' important! :3

2010-01-05 [Lucifer's Fire]: oh...okay! *stands and walks back to you*

2010-01-05 [Eternal Sunshine]: Silly Frank... *snickers and offers finger again*

2010-01-05 [Lucifer's Fire]: *noms your finger*

2010-01-05 [Eternal Sunshine]: Holy crap, someone actually eated it...
HEY! MY FINGER!!! *pouts* you nommed my finger!

2010-01-05 [Lucifer's Fire]: *pulls it out my mouth and hands to Rei*

2010-01-05 [Eternal Sunshine]: *looks at slime covered finger* No no... you keep it... I didn't need it anyways... >.>

2010-01-05 [Lucifer's Fire]: *pockets it and whispers to you* for safe keeping. *pats pocket*

2010-01-05 [Eternal Sunshine]: *blinks* I'm afraid of what you might do with my finger now...

2010-01-05 [Lucifer's Fire]: XD XD XD

nothing bad. i promise.

2010-01-05 [Eternal Sunshine]: *raises eyebrow* Now, why don't I believe that... *shifty eyes* Better be nothing dirty... XD

2010-01-05 [Lucifer's Fire]: it wont be nothing dirty.

2010-01-05 [Eternal Sunshine]: Better not be... *gives you bottle of disinfectant*

2010-01-05 [Lucifer's Fire]: *takes it and puts it in my pocket*

2010-01-05 [Eternal Sunshine]: Wow... packrat much? *hands you a zuchinni*

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